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  • Writer's pictureDonC'ream Del'ion

Work For it

Where there is a will there is a way

Willing to work for it ,

Work for it .

Where there is a will there is a way

Willing to work for it, work for it .

Legion in God we trust

Dream odd see stuff

Be awesome plus ,A bag of chips

Allllll that ,Plus dips

You got potential, potential

Note pads ,pens and pencils

Use utensils sz the writer ,,,

It was written i acquired !!!

These lines a lot viber

Correction vibrant

in colds seasons

of darkness bringing reason

to use the light

and its likeness

for when i write shit

you resting im like this

up with hypness


giants taking em down

alls i got

my Bart Simpson sling shot

Over ya head

go back

and reread my reference

to David and Goliath

And maybe chuckke.....

at the shit I said


and when you like it

Work For it work for it

willing to work for it ,work for it

Where there is a will there is a way

Work for it work for it

Success is yours

and the Universe

want you to have it okay

Where there is a will theres a way

so will to be great

for yo family to be staright

a bigger estate

if a billi where u at

its still a trilli more to have on yo plate

*Energy Matter *

but unless you into scientific equations

yo dnt get my whole Energy Matter

as a mattering statement

in a matter a fact

i will show you the math

to where it matters in fact

Based on something simple like DNA

We all molecules

combined with atoms and

wait now go back to my Energy Matter original statement

Its no form just a hot fucking mess reading my writting like lyrical porn get it literary sex a *Hot Fucking ** mess

Work for it work for it willing to work for it

Work for it Where there is a will there is a way ......

Work for it work for it willing to work for it work for it

Where there is a will there is a way

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